2009. június 14., vasárnap

Strange things i achieved during my exchange

Strange skilles I developed during my exchange in Finland:
- Talking about weather is really fun. Yeah, it's interesting! :) I do really like to talk about it since I was in Oulu. I would never expect that I'll find having a discussion about rain, sunshine, temperature, melting, grass getting green, flowers blossoming...exciting, but it happened. Yeah, i know, i'm not completely normal.
- I can follow a conversation for hours on a language from which i don't understand a world. If somebody translates me a couple of words in every 15 minutes, i don't even get bored...:P
- A city 600km far away is in the neighbourhood. It's ok to go there for the weekend.
- Sleeping on the night train is just as good as sleeping in your bed!
- It's possible to ride a bike in -15 degrees. Actually not worse than cycling in +35...

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